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Atomic: M.A.C. | Reference
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Reactions of Tellurium
Reactions with water
Tellurium does not react with water under normal conditions.
Reactions with air
Tellurium burns in air to form dioxide tellurium(IV) oxide
  Te(s) + 2O2(g)TeO2(s)
Reactions with halogens
Under carefully controlled conditions in a sealed tube, tellurium reacts with chlorine to form Te3Cl2.
Tellurium reacts with fluorine and burns to form tellurium(VI) fluoride.
  Te8(s) + 24F2(g)8TeF6(l)
Carefully done, tellurium reacts with fluorine mixed with nitrogen gas at 0°C to form tellurium(IV) fluoride. Tellurium also reacts under controlled conditions with the other halogens chlorine, bromine and iodine to form tetrahalides.
  Te8(s) + 16F2(g)8TeF4(s)
  Te8(s) + 16Cl2(g)8TeCl4(s)
  Te8(s) + 16Br2(g)8TeBr4(s)
  Te8(s) + 16I2(g)8TeI4(s)
Reactions with acids
Tellurium does not react with dilute non-oxidizing acids.
Reactions with bases
Tellurium does not react with dilute bases under normal conditions.
Reduction Potentials
Balanced half-reaction E0 / V
Te4+ + 4e-Te(s) +0.568
Te4+ + 2H+ + 6e-H2Te(g) +0.132
TeO42- + 4H+ + 2e-TeO2(s) + 2H2O +1.509
HTeO4- + 3H+ + 2e-TeO2(s) + 2H2O +1.202
H2TeO4 + 2H+ + 2e-TeO2(s) + 2H2O +1.020
TeO42- + 2H+ + 2e-TeO32- + H2O +0.892
HTeO4- + H+ + 2e-TeO32- + H2O +0.584
HTeO4- + 2H+ + 2e-HTeO3- + H2O +0.813
H2TeO4 + H+ + 2e-HTeO3- + H2O +0.631
H2TeO4 + 3H+ + 2e-HTeO2+ + 2H2O +0.953
H2TeO4 + 6H+ + 2e-Te4+ + 4H2O +0.920
Te(OH)6(s) + 2H+ + 2e-TeO2(s) + 4H2O +1.02
TeO32- + 6H+ + 4e-Te(s) + 3H2O +0.827
HTeO3- + 5H+ + 4e-Te(s) + 3H2O +0.713
HTeO2+ + 3H+ + 4e-Te(s) + 2H2O +0.551
TeO2+ + 5H+ + 6e-H2Te(g) + 2H2O +0.121
Te(s) + 2H+ + 2e-H2Te(g) -0.739
Te(s) + 2e-Te2- -1.14